Do You or Someone You Know Suffer From
ME, CFS or Fibromyalgia
LIFE BACK in 2013
LIFE BACK in 2013
Learn What's Going on in Your Body, and How You Can Regain Control

Yes Please, I Would Love To Receive Your Complimentary 20 Page Guide Showing Me The 8 Essentials I Need To Get My Life Back From M.E., CFS & Fibromyalgia

What do successful recoverers know which you don’t, yet?
Free Guide To HELP YOU Recover:
To establish how this can help let first ask you to read the following statements and see if anything applies to you;
To establish how this can help let first ask you to read the following statements and see if anything applies to you;

You don’t know where to start to get better and feel as though you have tried everything
Life seems like an endless search to find a light at the end of the tunnel
When you think something is working, you suddenly relapse and end up back at square one
The lack of understanding around M.E/CFS/Fibromyalgia makes it even harder to deal with
No one understands just how ill you feel and sometimes you even doubt yourself asking yourself . . . “Have I just got lazy? Am I making this up?”
Your symptoms are so varied you wonder if it really is all in your mind
There is no plan for how to get well and you feel stuck in your condition
Your life is on hold and everything you loved to do has been taken away from you
You have lost who you are and don’t recognise you or your life anymore?

Elaine Wilkins
Founder of Chrysalis Effect M.E Recovery Coaching Programme
Elaine Wilkins, suffered with M.E for 6 years and is now well and truly recovered. It took her many years to discover the path to regain her health; learning the do's and don'ts, the process and tools needed, along with various specific nutritional support. Elaine now spends her time and passion helping other recoverers to regain their life back. As part of that drive Elaine enlightens and works with therapists and practitioners support 17 million sufferers across the world. Her heart warming tail of recovery and self discovery was published and launched as a paperback "Finding M.E".
Founder of Chrysalis Effect M.E Recovery Coaching Programme
Elaine Wilkins, suffered with M.E for 6 years and is now well and truly recovered. It took her many years to discover the path to regain her health; learning the do's and don'ts, the process and tools needed, along with various specific nutritional support. Elaine now spends her time and passion helping other recoverers to regain their life back. As part of that drive Elaine enlightens and works with therapists and practitioners support 17 million sufferers across the world. Her heart warming tail of recovery and self discovery was published and launched as a paperback "Finding M.E".
If just ONE of the above statements resonates with you, then please read on!
Having lived with these destructive conditions for 6 years, we know firsthand that the multitude of symptoms, lack of understanding, and lack of support from the medical community make it one of the most challenging conditions to recover from.
Our mission having fully recovered to optimum health and wellness, is to show YOU that recovery is possible, to offer you hope, and to share with you what we were so desperate to find when we were suffering and that’s why we created the Essentials Guide To Recovery
To claim your complimentary copy, simply enter your details in the box below and you’ll receive an email from us giving you instant access to your Essentials Guide To Recovery and Free Video.
So why are you sharing this with me?
We believe there is no single quick fix cure for these debilitating conditions. If only we could take one magic pill and be better . . . but unfortunately with such a multifaceted condition such as these, no one thing will ever fix it.
But here’s the good news...
Within the Essentials Guide To Recovery we share with you tried, tested and proven, methods, systems and techniques on how you can take back control of your health and your recovery.
It’s our mission to give you hope that regaining YOUR health is not only possible, but to also share with you ways in which you can start on your recovery journey TODAY.
Our mission having fully recovered to optimum health and wellness, is to show YOU that recovery is possible, to offer you hope, and to share with you what we were so desperate to find when we were suffering and that’s why we created the Essentials Guide To Recovery
To claim your complimentary copy, simply enter your details in the box below and you’ll receive an email from us giving you instant access to your Essentials Guide To Recovery and Free Video.
So why are you sharing this with me?
We believe there is no single quick fix cure for these debilitating conditions. If only we could take one magic pill and be better . . . but unfortunately with such a multifaceted condition such as these, no one thing will ever fix it.
But here’s the good news...
Within the Essentials Guide To Recovery we share with you tried, tested and proven, methods, systems and techniques on how you can take back control of your health and your recovery.
It’s our mission to give you hope that regaining YOUR health is not only possible, but to also share with you ways in which you can start on your recovery journey TODAY.

Here's what you discover inside our Essentials Guide To Recovery:

The Virus Theory and the No 1 challenge that may be keeping you STUCK in ill health (page 5)
The importance of understanding of the 6 Phases of Recovery (page 7)
The pre-dispositions toan exhaustive illness. What makes the scales tip and how to take
back control of your Recovery today! (Page 12)
back control of your Recovery today! (Page 12)
Why the Holistic Approach is the only approach . . . discover the 8 Key Elements Essential
to YOUR Recovery (page 13)
to YOUR Recovery (page 13)
The 4 big mistakes most people make that prolongs their illness (Page 15)
How to kick-start your journey to health with ‘Top Tips from the Wheel’ written by those who have recovered from our unique online Chrysalis Effect Programme. (Page 20)
What Next ? 7 Key Questions to get you started on your road to recovery today (Page 21)
And much much more life-changing information . .
Our lives were almost destroyed by M.E. . . . if only we had read this guide when we were ill!
Elaine Wilkins' Story:![]() I just couldn’t understand why I was so weak and exhausted all the time. I could barely focus at work and I felt like a shadow of the vibrant woman I had once been. This was the start of a journey that last 6 horrible years. I suffered from acute insomnia, muscle pain and my speech and memory had deteriorated so much I was convinced I had a brain tumour. I was like an empty shell and could barely move for days. Having been such a go-getter, I had no clue what was going on and was ashamed of how I felt. It got so bad I even lied to people who tried to contact me. My illness did not seem to exist as far as the GP’s were concerned and if they didn’t accept it . . . how could I? It took me many years to discover the path to regain my health. I learned so much about the process and that, apart from some specific nutritional support; the secret to health lies within, so it is possible to achieve optimum wellbeing and create a healthy, holistic balanced and joyful life. My experience of ME or C.F.S, Fibromyalgia seemed like a curse, I know now that it was a gift. |
So how can our journey help you?
It’s exactly because we spent so long suffering and feeling so isolated and alone we felt our lives had literally ended . . . that we created this Essentials Guide To Recovery . . .
And believe you me, if we had come across a guide like this from people who had been where we were and who were now fully recovered, then we wouldn’t haven’t so long to recover and wasted so many years of our precious lives.
So if you’re like us and prefer to not waste a single moment more of your life and start the path to recovery TODAY, then all you need to do is enter your details below and we will give you instant access to our Essentials Guide To Recovery.
We wish you health and support on your journey to recovery
Love & Gratitude
It’s exactly because we spent so long suffering and feeling so isolated and alone we felt our lives had literally ended . . . that we created this Essentials Guide To Recovery . . .
And believe you me, if we had come across a guide like this from people who had been where we were and who were now fully recovered, then we wouldn’t haven’t so long to recover and wasted so many years of our precious lives.
So if you’re like us and prefer to not waste a single moment more of your life and start the path to recovery TODAY, then all you need to do is enter your details below and we will give you instant access to our Essentials Guide To Recovery.
We wish you health and support on your journey to recovery
Love & Gratitude
The Chrysalis Effect
M.E, CFS & Fibromyalgia Supported Recovery Programme
M.E, CFS & Fibromyalgia Supported Recovery Programme

World Leaders in Recovery Support
Learn Whats Going on in Your Body, and How You Can Regain Control

Peeking inside the body reveals the answers. When your fight or flight hormone adrenaline tap is on constantly which depletes the adrenal glands affects the thyroid, shuts down the digestive system and the immune system.

Understanding when the adrenals and thyroid are not functioning at optimum is like realising a battery is flat and no amount of hoping wishing or will power can give you the energy you need to function effectively.

Yes Please, I Would Love To Receive Your Complimentary 20 Page Guide Showing Me The 8 Essentials I Need To Get My Life Back From M.E., CFS & Fibromyalgia